Alpha Helps to Shape a Life
I’d like to express my sincere thanks to Alpha Prison Ministries and the many volunteers who so faithfully give of their time, money and heartfelt prayers. Alpha has been instrumental in allowing my transition from prison to society to occur smoothly.
The one on one discipleship has been helpful in decision making, and in the overall shaping of my life according to God s word. The mentoring program has also opened doors to lifelong friendships.
Alpha has provided a safe, stress free environment in which to live and adjust. It has also provided cookouts, ball games and other activities as the Lord has worked in me, developing the kind of character that I am no longer ashamed of.
By supplementing my living expenses, Alpha has allowed me to save money for a vehicle, insurance, and today even a house of my own. Since coming to Alpha I have met and married a wonderful wife that is truly a gift from God. I’ve been appointed to serve on the board at my church and have prospered in every area of my life.
The good habits instilled at Alpha have and will continue to shape my life as I strive to be all that I can for the kingdom of God and to be the productive member of society that HE would have me to be.
Thank you Alpha.
Darrell, a former Alpha House resident — Originally published in June 2004