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Impact in the Prisons
At our Impact Night on October 9th, at least one of our volunteers was asked privately what an Alpha volunteer does. It was in the context of volunteering inside the prisons doing Bible study with inmates. We try to emphasize what we do on a regular basis as a ministry in these newsletters.
The in prison Bible studies involve far more than getting men into the Bible, we know that when we are successful, we get the Bible into men. We've stated in the past that the goal is not simply for our volunteers to conduct these Bible studies, but that the inmates would become Bible study leaders themselves.
It starts small. A few men each leading another. Those men in turn each find one man who is willing to become a disciple. Jesus is our example. He had multitudes following him but he only appointed 12 as apostles and only 3 were his closest. But these men changed the world!
In October we received a packet with 12 letters thanking us and demonstrating how Alpha in prison Bible studies are making disciples who make other disciples in the prisons. We just wish we could share them all but following are just a couple examples:
Dear Friends of Alpha Ministries,
I want to first thank Leon for attending our weekly meeting at Central Michigan Correctional Facility. Your presentation was most valuable in putting a face on all the people who make it possible to help men come into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. All of the prayers and financial support given have not been for naught.
Men here are growing closer to Christ. They are presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in classrooms and out in the yard. It is so exciting to hear testimonies from these men as they report back to me how God has used them.
One such story was told to me just yesterday by a brother in Christ named DJ. DJ told me about a man who was questioning his faith. DJ was able to walk him through what it means to be a Christian, how we can know for sure we are saved, and the peace in believing in God and his work. DJ informed me that if it were not for what he learned from Alpha's One On One Discipleship, he would not have had the boldness to present the gospel.
At last night's meeting we had 10 One On One groups meeting together and a number of men working on other Alpha Ministries' materials. God has blessed us to the point that if we grow any more, we will have to find a bigger room. Praise the Lord! Once this group is finished, we will have 10 more men ready to teach and disciple someone else.
One of the things we do is to encourage men who begin the program to start praying for a man he can invite once he graduates—a man he can disciple. This is all to the praise of God our Lord and Savior.
I want to publicly thank God for Elroy who comes week after week to this facility and gives us his time, wisdom, acceptance, and the love he has received from God. His faithfulness has been an inspiration to me and many of the leaders and future leaders here. If there was a possibility he could be thanked and recognized, it would make many of us happy.
Please continue to pray not only for us but for the future students of Alpha. Pray that God will give our leaders and students alike a boldness in their faith to give an account for the hope they have in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
I personally thank you all for the tools and opportunity to continue to present the gospel in such a way that men I witness to have the opportunity to make an informed decision for Christ. May God bless each and every one of you with the love of Christ. We are praying for you and for churches that will come along side to partner with the Alpha Ministry team.
May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2017
“I Have Become a Discipler”
EDITOR'S NOTE: This letter is from DJ (Donald) mentioned in Brad's letter.
To the Friends of Alpha Ministries,
My name is Donald (DJ). I have been at Central Michigan Correctional Facility for a little over a year. I started in the Alpha program shortly thereafter.
I had spent my childhood and young adult life searching for something to fill the hole in my life. Although Alpha Ministries did not introduce me to Christ, you did show me what is means to have a relationship with him.
I have since finished the discipleship book and have become a discipler.
These words alone cannot come close to expressing the gratitude I have for this “class” and for you godly men and women that have given a piece of yourself so that others may be able to find the peace and love of Christ. I know that it is not only a monetary effort you make on our behalf, but also through prayer.
On behalf of everyone that has been a part of Alpha, thank you for everything.
May the blessings of God also be on you!
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2017
Quotes from a Few Others in the “12 Pack”
I have a Certificate of Completion. I want to thank you for that also. Now I am discipling a new person in the Alpha Prison Ministries.
I am very grateful for the program. To be able to learn about Jesus and in return teach a fellow inmate is a blessing.
Without your support and compassion for us, we would have never learned how to minister to those in need. Your donations for our books and study materials are greatly appreciated.
Through these studies I'm content and I have a great peace I've never had in my life. God's mercy has freed my once hardened heart.
Because of your ministry, many inmates have chosen to follow Christ and his calling.
Alpha Ministries is very important to my walk with Jesus and my goal of being able to help others do the same.
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2017
Expression of Gratitude from Former Inmate
If you were at the APM Impact Night on October 9, one of the former in-mates named Dave spoke about how he “had it made” until one day his whole world came crashing down and he ended up in prison. He wrote this expression of his gratitude for APM in an email:
What an awesome privilege to witness the hand of God moving through Alpha and its volunteers. Praise God for being so good—a good Father using you for all eternity's sake. If what God has done in my life through this ministry is the only tangible result, then this one man will live forever in unending gratitude. Wives thank you, parents thank you, children thank you.
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2017
Impact Night in October
As you may have noticed in our recent communications, the annual APM banquet is now called Impact Night. Yes, we still have a delicious catered meal to show tangible appreciation for our volunteers and supporters, but the real purpose has always been to raise awareness and demonstrate the impact that this ministry is having in the lives of entire families.
We do our best to communicate this impact in the printed form of newsletters like you're reading right now, but it pales in comparison to seeing faces and hearing testimonies first hand from those whose lives and eternal destinies have been forever changed. You are part of that and we want you to experience it, not just read it.
There is a certain challenge involved too. It's not easy to generate enthusiasm for helping people who have committed crimes and are serving time for those crimes. To most people, they are getting what they deserve. That may be true, but when you discover why God includes specific mention of his concern for prisoners you begin to see the importance and impact of prison ministry.
That's what we showcase on Impact Night. We don't just want you to witness it, we encourage you to invite others so they too can envision both the practical and eternal benefits of changing this world one prisoner at a time.
You've already received your invitation, but that invitation is not for you alone. We'll gladly provide a free meal to other people you know because God is calling many others to prison ministry and you may very well be the catalyst to help them find their destiny. Just let us know the head count if anyone you ask agrees to come with you.
While you think about others you can invite, a bit of perspective will help shape the enthusiasm of your invitation. Together we are not just changing the lives of the prisoners we reach, we're changing culture and families. We're helping to prevent the next generation from becoming another sad statistic.
We're building a glorious future in heaven and plundering a demonic stronghold. We're having an impact beyond our wildest dreams. We're having far more impact than we see even though we do get to see exciting adventures of faith, like we'll all experience together on Impact Night. We look forward to sharing that evening with you on October 9 beginning at 6:00.
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2017
NOTE: Impact Night 2017 may be over but it was a great evening and the impact continues. We hope you can join us in both the ongoing impact and the celebration we'll have in 2018.
Former Atheist Gets Baptized
Before I knew Christ I was a proud atheist, and I thought I was in control of my life. Growing up I always felt unloved, unwanted, and alone. At the age of 16, I started to use drugs and alcohol to deal with the loneliness. I became an addict and was in and out of jail, falling deeper and deeper into my addiction and feeling more alone and unloved. My life was out of control.
I cried out to God and prayed for him to take my addiction away and to change my life, no matter what the cost…even if it meant sending me to prison. Two weeks later I was arrested and incarcerated. While on my journey through incarceration, I started attending church in jail.
I couldn't help but to hear the word of God, and the Holy Spirit was moving inside me. Matthew 22:14 says, “Many are called but few are chosen.” I felt like Jesus had chosen me of all people and he started to do a work in me.
Jesus opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to him. I finally realized I was loved and I wasn't alone. Jesus had been with me the whole time, I just didn't see it. So I started to read the gospel and attending church as much as I could.
When I arrived in prison, I realized my body was in chains but my mind was finally free from my addiction. My prayer had been answered and that was when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then, I've been accepted into a faith-based halfway house.
Jesus has blessed me every step that I've taken…now I have a home, a job, a church, and over two years of being drug free! Today, I have chosen to be baptized because I have been transformed by Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus Christ has given me a new life with him as my foundation. I am here to repent of my sins and my old way of life and publicly declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2017
Alpha Volunteers Making An Impact
Hello Alpha,
First, and always first, all thanks and praise to our Father. He is central all the time. I pray this finds you, as well as the Alpha family in good spirits. Since I last wrote to you, I've been moved from Brooks to Saginaw Correctional Facility in Freeland.
I was originally sent to Brooks from Jackson in September 2015. A friend introduced me to Alpha Bible studies there and I've been going every week since. I even went the day I was told to pack up and ride out. I had to say my good byes.
I met Al, Bill, and Norm, three great men doing God's work and teaching his word. I now understand WHY I was sent to Brooks. It was God's will for me to meet these three men as well as the good brothers there: Happy Jack, Bruce, Jamie, Big Drew, and more—I miss those guys.
I prayed to learn and know more about God and his way of life, in order to help me become a better person. God sent me to Brooks—to get to know him better. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you and have a great day.
Brother in Christ,
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2017
What We Do (and Don't Do)
It's been a while since we outlined the highlights of what APM does so here is a brief summary:
APM volunteers do one-on-one Bible studies with men in prison who often minister to other inmates
APM sends Bibles and Christian literature into prisons Alpha House provides a supervised living environment for former inmates who are accepted as residents to help them make a successful transition back into society
APM has volunteer mentors who provide discipleship to Alpha House residents
Alpha House residents receive Bible study and emphasis on developing strong Christian character
APM encourages inmates and former inmates to become involved in ministry
APM is a decidedly “Christian” ministry that believes only Jesus Christ has the power to truly transform the human heart through the Holy Spirit
APM does not sell or share our mailing list
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2017
Otis - An Alpha House Resident
My name is Otis. I grew up going to church. My mom made sure we were at Sunday school and morning service every Sunday. If she had to work she made sure someone came to pick us up for church. I enjoyed Sunday school, the singing and the Bible stories. I think at age 13 or 14 I got saved. I really didn't know what I was doing or what it meant to be saved.
At the age of 20 something I left my mom's house. I was put out because I didn't want nothing out of life. Never married, kids out of wedlock, started sleeping and living with different women. I got into drugs and heavy drinking more.
I became homeless, working at different temp agencies just to support my habits. I moved to Detroit with a woman I was dating to take care of her grandmother before she died. The whole time we were dating, our relationship was about doing drugs and drinking.
One day I decided I had enough of that life and left and became homeless again. I met my pastor and his wife who live in Pontiac. I know God sent them into my life because he heard my prayer. I prayed that I'm tired of living this life and wanted to live for him.
I rededicated my life to Christ. Ever since that day, God has been restoring my life and my family back into my life. I enjoyed serving the Lord and people. While in Pontiac, I was my pastor's armor bearer. I would take him to his appointments, escort him to the pulpit, etc.
I also was in charge of the House of David Help Center. I would open the building and cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the homeless or people in need. After 4 years there, I ended up going to prison. To be truthful, those were the best 12½ years, in prison.
I got closer to knowing and understanding who I am in Christ Jesus. I met a lot of brothers in prison, and an outsider (volunteer) who taught, knew the word of God, and lived it.
I still make mistakes. I fall down but I get back up because of God's grace and mercy. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in Jesus Christ who loves me and gave himself for me on the cross.
Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2017
Hand Written Inmate Prayer Requests
The best way to feature these hand written inmate prayer requests is to show them in their hand written form. You can enlarge them further by clicking on them if you'd like to.

Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2017
Bob Veldman, Laborer
A tribute to Bob Veldman by Leon Alderman
Bob Veldman was a laborer in God's harvest. The word “laborer” probably has diminished in value in our 21st Century culture. Yet, in God's Kingdom, a laborer is the highest term God calls his saints. “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send laborers forth into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 (KJV). Bob was no ordinary Christian, he was a laborer!
Bob was one of Alpha's pioneer volunteers, bringing God's word into Riverside Correctional Facility along with Bob Whitehead and Marv Wood in the early 1980's. He continued into the 1990's and 2000's advancing Christ's gospel through weekly service at Carson City.
He served as a Board member for APM for many years. When he retired from active ministry a few years ago due to age, many inmates wrote to the office how they missed him, his concern, his service, and his gentle sense of humor.
We send our prayers to his loving wife of 68 years, Bernice. May she take comfort in the words Jesus surely said to her husband, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.”
Having served with Bob on the Board for many years, I count it a privilege to add a few notes of my own to this tribute. Bob passed away on April 10, 2017 at age 90 and outlived many other APM friends, so we know the reunion in heaven had to be incredible.
To call Bob a friend is an understatement. Bob's children and many grandchildren spoke at his funeral. Several fond memories were shared, especially about his signature sense of humor.
But one highlight in my opinion came when a grandson said that if you wanted to see Bob light up, just mention his prison ministry. Bob was committed to APM. Although I never saw Bob display strong outward emotions, no one could doubt his passion for APM or his commitment to serve. He invested his life well and I'm glad I got to be a small part of it.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2017
I Was Never a Real Big Believer in God
I am writing you in regards to receiving a study Bible. I got your info from a fellow inmate. I have to be honest, I was never a real big believer in God. I just recently opened my heart and mind to him and started talking to him, asking him for his blessings and his guidance.
I believe he is starting to listen. I'm not sure how this works but I would like to learn some prayers and how to pray; and how do I go about reading the Bible? Do I just go from start to finish or are there certain parts I should start with?
I'm hoping you can help me with my questions and furthering my belief in God and bettering my life. By the way, my name is Alan, I'm 33 years old and I've been locked up for 3 years now. I hopefully have about 9 months left to do. I'm ready for a change in my life and I think God is the way to go.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2017
Open Response to Alan's Letter
Knowing that our newsletters are received by inmates and often get passed around, it seems fitting to publish an open response to Alan's inmate letter and questions. This could help many others in similar situations.
First of all, I would congratulate anyone in Alan's situation. Not the locked up part, but seeking God. God is very responsive to those who seek him. He's ready and waiting for you to ask. The Bible is full of promises about that but perhaps one of the most comforting would be found in John 6:37 where Jesus says, “Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”
Let's start with the question about praying. The answer: be yourself. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions, don't seek a formula, just begin right where you're at. God's not the least bit offended by your honesty. He wants your relationship with him to be “real” and nothing you say is going to surprise him in any way. Truth be told, there's no requirement to even bow your head and close your eyes. It does help remove to distractions but prayers can be as quick and short as “help” when you're facing a situation.
Over time, you'll learn important principles of prayer from the Bible itself. There are many prayers recorded in the Bible. The best one is what we call the Lord's Prayer where Jesus gives us a prayer and a pattern for praying. The Apostle Paul recorded some great prayers, as did other Bible authors.
How to study the Bible is subject to many different opinions but I can offer what I consider a great guideline. One of my volunteer activities is praying with people who either just became a new believer or came back to God after straying away. I get this question often.
The most important point is to have a Bible translation that is easy to understand. The New International Version (NIV) is a good choice.
My personal advice is definitely start with the New Testament. I favor starting with the book of Romans and read through to the end of the Bible. After completing Revelation, go back to Matthew at the beginning of the New Testament and read through the entire New Testament.
Eventually, you'll be ready to read the Old Testament but I advise getting well grounded in the New Testament first. You'll discover a lot of surprises when you read the Bible on your own. Don't worry about understanding every bit of it. God is very skilled at giving you what you need when you need it. Be patient, you are in for a process that will last you the rest of your life. Enjoy the journey.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2017
The Rose
An inmate poem by Brian McDonald
It's only a tiny rosebud…
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I…
The flower God opens so sweetly,
In my hands would fade and die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I think I have wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in him for his leading
Each moment of every day,
And I'll look to him for his guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
For the pathway lies before me,
My heavenly Father knows…
I'll trust him to unfold the moments,
Just as he unfolds the rose.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2017
God Finds Atheist Drug Addict
A year ago I was 100% atheist and proud of it, then God found me. I was a drug addict and at rock bottom. I lost everything but my life. I had no friends or family that knew how to help me. I felt completely helpless and alone in this world. My girlfriend sent me a quote that said it best:
“I believe the more desperate we become for God, the more he can reveal himself to us.”
A friend at the time who was a Christian told me I would be going away, that I had some choices to make, I would get to know God and be part of a program, and my girlfriend would follow weeks behind me. At the time I had no clue what he was talking about.
Then a week later I got caught with components for manufacturing Meth so I got arrested for manufacturing and delivery. Two weeks later, my girlfriend got arrested for ID theft. While at the county jail, I started going to church service for social hour and so my girlfriend and I could pass notes to each other.
While at church I couldn't help but to start listening and it seemed like those church services were made just for me. I was shocked the service moved me, my eyes were finally open. I felt it where it mattered most—my heart. This was what I've been missing my whole life, it was God.
Suddenly I didn't feel so alone. I read the Bible cover to cover. I chose not to fight my case, God would put me where I needed to be. I was sent to prison to hopefully get some help that the county jail could not offer. I was put into the Chance for Life program.
Now hindsight is 20/20, I see how it was God speaking to me through my friend. It all happened. I have no doubt in my mind now it was God. He put me here so I could get help, get healthy, and most of all get to know him. Being on the outside this would never have happened.
I've devoted a lot of time to becoming a mature Christian, a stronger Christian. Since the beginning of my incarceration there have been hundreds of small miracles. It's not by chance these things happen to me, it's all part of his plan. I believe Grand Rapids is part of that plan. This is just the beginning of my story.
-Unsigned Alpha House resident testimony
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, March 2017
Happy for Alpha Prison Ministries
Well as you can see I have a few things for you today. First, the letters from Will and Ray. I have to tell you, these two guys are truly fun to work with. They are in the Alpha class and in the group I was asked to lead. We really have such a lot of fun.
It really is such a joy to see God work in guys lives, and the joy he has given me to be able to sit and watch. It is truly awesome. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that Alpha Ministries is at this prison.
Next, as you can see, there are more necklaces in here. I would like to ask if you would give them to Lori and Elmer. They can give them to Mary and Carl. They do so much for us in here through TUMI. I could never thank them enough. God has given me the gift of being able to do these necklaces, and it is just a small gift of appreciation for them.
I truly am more glad today with the walk I am able to share with God than I was before. I was really lost when all of this stuff happened. And to be honest, until just a month or so ago, I still was. God has been bringing me back out of this state of depression I was in; and it has been by serving others.
I do believe I am here to help draw some other men out of their darkness Satan has them in. And in return God is filling me with joy seeing it. He has allowed me to be a part of this very important mission.
I know I always thank you but believe me when I say I cannot do it enough. Have a blessed day my friend. See you, Happy Leon.
Happy Jack
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, March 2017
God Has a Wonderful Plan!
God has a plan for us all. My main concern lately has become salvation for other inmates and my family. I have had the chance to witness to my cousin, her boyfriend, and their two kids…they asked me what convinced me to accept Christ. I replied, “When I heard that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that he would never leave me nor forsake me, I gave my heart to him.”
Here I stood on the phone talking to my cousin for the first time in 23 years, I explained to her that she too could receive this “free gift” and that God's grace is greater than any sin she had ever committed! She accepted Jesus Christ into her life.
She later sent me a letter to tell me her boyfriend also accepted Jesus Christ. God's wonderful plan for my life is unfolding today, moment by moment, and in ways I least expect! God loves you; I love you; and that's just the way it is!
Your friend,
PS: Now she is interested in following along in the one-on-one discipleship Bible study! God is GREAT!
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, March 2017
Committed to Learning and Growing
My last letter through Jack detailed my spiritual journey and growth. Again, I am committed to learning and growing and sharing with my fellow Christians. I attend Alpha Ministries Bible studies every week with Al and Bob who are volunteers who run the class.
I am also participating in a group called 33 Series Men's Fraternity, run and sponsored by Turning Point. Plus, a group called Character First, run by Ron and Nancy, and Jack and Kathy. I believe their church is Ridgepoint. They are here in the Muskegon area anyhow.
Basically, I am doing all I can to keep my daily activities filled with positive and godly people. So far, I am thriving and I look forward to my classes and what I can learn and share for that day.
I wish I could write more often! I'll try to send you a letter once a month to keep in touch and to keep you updated. I hope all is well and to hear from you as well. God bless you in all you do.
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, March 2017
Happy (Blessed) 2017
Being a supporter of prison ministry, you're probably far more knowledgeable about Bible facts than the average Christian. You might already be aware that the words blessed and happy can be used interchangeably. Some translations of the Bible use happy instead of blessed. So to wish you a Blessed New Year is biblical.
And blessed you are! Some of you are inmates making literally only a few dollars a month, yet you invest into APM to make an eternal difference. Others are “wealthy” and can make generous contributions. Most of our supporters are in between but all of you share the common bond of being both blessed and a blessing.
For all of you who included us in your year end giving, thank you. We also receive generous support at the beginning of the year. Of course, those who give throughout the year are a vital part of this ministry, and to all we give our thanks and extend our blessing.
As we reflect back on 2016 and look forward to 2017, it's the perfect time to extend our thanks and remind our supporters that you are making a huge difference. You are providing a safe living environment to men who have nowhere else to go or need a place where they can successfully transition back into society.
The study materials we use for in prison Bible study now cost $12 each, but that investment is transforming men and their families. Most of these men are from broken homes and have never been equipped to break the cycle of desperation they grew up with.
Every $12 you give is not just $12. It changes the life of an inmate and pays dividends to his family and the generations after him. If you've ever been tempted to think that a small donation isn't going to make that much difference, remember the generational blessing that $12 can help create.
Among other ways we use your donations, inmates who request a Bible get one. In the past, we've shared responses from inmates who have received a Bible. Getting men into the Bible is a vital aspect of what we do so we can get the Bible into men. If your gift to APM helps purchase a Bible, only in heaven will you be able to know the full extent of the difference you've made.
Those of you who have partnered with us for any length of time know we never beg for money. But it's prudent to let you know our needs and how much difference you are making when you give. A little really does go a long way with your support.
Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2017
A Hand Crafted Christmas Card Received
Each Christmas, Alpha receives an impressive number of Christmas cards from various sources which include inmates and former inmates, former Alpha House residents, etc.
Since the cover art is shiny silver on a black background, this newsletter reproduction does not accurately portray the effect and it was challenging to adequately capture the detail for publication. Even though this method of sharing it with you diminishes the actual card we received, it's still enough to demonstrate the labor of love it took to create it.
The hand signing and messages on the inside are from inmates who attend our in prison Bible study at Brooks Correctional Facility.
Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2017
“Key Man” at Carson City Moved
Carson City Correctional Facility is down by at least one huge blessing. His name is Jeff. He is a great Christian role model and disciple maker who was transferred to Cooper Street Correctional Facility in December. Thank you Jeff for being a great example to so many!
Taken from the Winter Newsletter, January 2017
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica Inc.
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Scripture taken from The Message. (The Message)
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Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.