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Undeniable Impact
For those of you who were at Impact Night about a month ago, we had a great time, great testimonies, great demonstration of ministry impact, and even a great response to our ministry needs. Donations topped $13,000! We are grateful and God is good. Although our numbers still show us in the red for the year, that's a matter of prayer rather than panic.
Those attending Impact Night also had the chance to hold actual copies of inmate responses to the effectiveness of our in-prison Bible studies, some of which are excerpted on the back. The common thread is obvious…together we are making a difference.
The Bible studies in prison (which are the main focus of the inmate feedback being published this month), the transitional housing, the mentoring after prison, everything we do is having an impact. The featured letters are inmates themselves compelled to express appreciation.
The impact we are having as a ministry is undeniable. The importance of this impact is also undeniable. Fatherless homes are devastating our society and the magnitude of how many inmates grow up without a father in the home is a commonality too consistent to ignore.
Every inmate we reach is one more solution to this problem. The appreciation for our impact and what our volunteers mean to the men we minister to is particularly evident in the letters being published. There are many more than those featured.
It is clear to anyone closely associated with Alpha that our challenge is not the impact we are having, but getting our message out so more people are aware of the fact that they can be involved.
The problems we face may seem daunting. The solution is surprisingly simple. Jesus is a genuine redeemer. It may be simple but getting that message out is hard work.
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2018
Inmate Responses to One-on-One Bible Study
From Douglas:
This ministry has blessed me so much over the 18 months or so that I have been a discipler for Alpha Ministries. From the day I took my first lesson through today, I have discipled over six or eight students; the majority have stayed to become disciplers and dear friends.
I could not ask for a better group of disciples of Christ, who have continued to bless me outside of Alpha, have encouraged me in the Lord, and acted as true brothers ought. These men that come to Alpha have such a hunger for a relationship with Jesus Christ that they electrify the atmosphere with their excitement.
Elroy and the team at Alpha make such a difference in my life and in other's lives that I find my weekly session to be greatly anticipated. Since Alpha graduates have a 98% success rate for people who do not return to prison, that leads me to believe that something is changing these lives. That is uncommon.
The study materials you provide make a lasting impression on those who receive them. I have seen men going from being despondent over going to prison, to being excited at finding out they have a reason for living…and a reason to continue every day.
From John:
I just want to take the opportunity to thank you for this program. I am new to Alpha Ministries; however the program was impactful already for me in yard ministry. When talking to non believers I am able to draw on an ever increasing well of knowledge from the word.
One-to-One discipleship training is very effective. It helps me want to serve God and not myself, and through God, his sheep, anything to help this program, will help others like me want to be a better human being and Christian.
From Melvin:
I want to thank you for the books on One-to-One fellowship/discipleship which help in teaching very clearly what my role is as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and how to mature into a seasoned ambassador for God's kingdom who can lead other men to Christ.
Please do not stop doing what you're doing. New men come in every week—not all stay but the seed is planted, God provides the increase. It doesn't hurt that we have a “great volunteer in our beloved Elroy!” Thank you.
From David:
I've been coming to this program for a little over a month. It's truly been a great learning experience for me. I've grown closer to God, his word, and my peers as well. It challenges me to think and have a better outlook on the word.
From Eric:
We would like to thank you sincerely from the bottom of our hearts for all you and Alpha Ministries does for us. It is good for believers to come together and hear and learn the truth. These priceless One-to-One booklets are most beneficial. As iron sharpens iron, so man a sharpens another man. May our loving Father bless you and your families for all you do in Jesus mighty name.
From Jason:
I just began attending the studies provided and TRULY enjoy the heart and spirit put into the material. All who are supporters of the ministry need to know they are being prayed for and held in mind. Thank you and may Jesus be our strength.
From Thomas:
Alpha has meant a lot to me during this time of my incarceration. Thank you for sending the material and providing such a great person as Elroy. He has meant a lot to me in a way that has gotten me through a lot. My fiancee passed away while being in here and Elroy provided a listening ear. Alpha has taught me a lot to help me gain a perspective—something I can share with others.
From Dustin:
I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to be part of God's family in prison. By your obedience in serving God, you have afforded myself and many others in here to be discipled and learn how to disciple others.
The materials and volunteers help lead many to a deeper relationship with Christ, and help increase the fellowship between us as brothers, and with our Father. Thank you so much for your love for God and for us. We love you!
Taken from the Fall/Winter Newsletter, November 2018
Impact Night 2018
Last year, we rightfully renamed our annual banquet to Impact Night to more accurately reflect what it really is. It is exciting that many of the same people show up every year and we don't want that part to change. For one, our volunteers and supporters are in this group and honoring you and expressing our appreciation for what you do is a crucial goal of this annual event.
But if we stop there, we would be failing to showcase the true impact you are having and denying others the chance to be a part of helping to reverse a strategic attack Satan is making against families, fathers, and even this nation. The effect (impact) you are having is phenomenal and we want not only for you to see it, but share it with others so the forces of hell tremble when God's people unite to take back the territory the devil has sought to conquer.
Most of you receiving this newsletter, and especially you who attend our annual banquets, need no convincing. But anyone exposed to the work of APM, either closer up because they've not attended a banquet, or a first time exposure because of an invitation, are enlightened and awed at the impact reaching out to prisoners can have.
The purpose of Impact Night goes beyond honoring our volunteers (they most definitely deserve that) and giving everyone an opportunity to gain eternal rewards by partnering with us financially, but to invite others to help raise awareness so we can take back territory the enemy has worked so hard to control.
Imagine if your efforts got just one or two others to attend and see how a small amount of time and/or resources can make such incredible impact. That's a significant part of what Impact Night is about.
EDIT: Impact Night 2018 in October is now over but the impact it had and the funds raised live on forever. Thank you for your support.
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
A Tribute to Ray Chester
APM will celebrate 35 years of ministry in November, but in that time, many dear friends have gone on to be with the Lord. On Friday, June 22, 2018, another champion left our presence to join those who have gone before him.
Ray Chester, a former Board member, volunteer, and generously dedicated friend to APM passed away due to illness. Ray can be described as being a lot like what was said about Barnabas in Acts 11:24: “A good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.”
Ray was that type of Christian and man. Alpha benefitted greatly from his generosity and dedication. Countless inmates and former inmates share in the enrichment Ray brought to this ministry. He will be missed but it's a great comfort to know he invested his life in true wealth and this temporary pain that so many of us feel is because he lived his life well and made a real difference.
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
“Happy Jack” Graduates
The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) seeks to multiply laborers among the poor, the incarcerated, the unreached. One of our volunteers and Board member, Elmer, has been instrumental in helping prison inmates achieve seminary degrees through TUMI.
“Happy Jack,” an enthusiastic friend and inmate leader for APM in prison Bible studies, is now a TUMI graduate! We've published a number of Jack's letters and his influence in prison is a shining beacon of light in a very dark place.
Please pray for Jack's in prison ministry and thank God for his achievement of this TUMI degree. Also pray for Elmer, a faithful friend of APM who is having serious health issues.
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
Inmate Letters About Alpha House
A very big thanks to you and your staff at Alpha House. I am very blessed to have been accepted. The reasons for wanting to reside there are varied. The biggest being that I want to be immersed in a Christian setting. This is going to be vital.
By the time I leave here, I will have been in prison for over 21 years. As of yet I don't have a release date. The parole board member I interviewed with did say, “I'm going to parole you.” I will keep updating you and certainly continue to pray for you.
In Christ,
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
Enclosed you should find my completed application for Alpha House. Thank you again for being obedient to the will of the Lord in starting this much needed and wonderful ministry and housing opportunity.
Things here on a spiritual front continue to grow overall despite various setbacks. My faith especially has been strengthened lately through the support of family at home and brothers in Christ here at the facility. I look forward to the day when I can work for the Lord outside the prison gates.
Your brother in Christ,
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
I would like to start by saying thank you for your time and response to my letter. I did receive the application as well. I am really interested and a chance in life is what I need. I will follow all the rules and work very hard. I know I will succeed.
As I have been locked up so long, it will take little steps and one day at a time to achieve my short and long term goals. I will help with anything. God has changed my life around all the way. I am a new person, my whole outlook on life has changed.
It will take me time when I get out to get used to and understand things because I've been gone so long but my drive to succeed in life is unstoppable. I just need a solid foundation upon release to go and start my life.
God bless,
Taken from the Fall Newsletter, September 2018
Summer Slump
The summer months are indeed exciting—family fun, friends, vacations, beaches, festivals, road trips, and all the other summertime activities. But for churches and ministries, the summer months are lean on income. That's a fact of life and APM is certainly no exception.
The good news is we serve Jesus Christ and have faithful supporters who realize the expenses do not decrease just because it's summer. God always supplies our needs so we're not complaining or worrying. Awareness is a good thing though, especially in prison ministry where our work is very much out of view.
Every week our champions continue to volunteer inside prisons doing Bible studies with inmates. That results in APM sending Bibles and study materials into prisons. Men's lives are being transformed. Christian parolees are becoming real fathers and godly men.
Leon mentioned at our Board meeting in June that our 240th Alpha House resident since he became Director in 2000 had just moved in. Knowing Leon keeps track of how many men come from broken homes, I asked him what that number was. Out of 240 residents, 234 grew up in a broken home.
Your support is breaking that cycle!
Another topic discussed at that meeting is that our overall success rate is 89%. We measure that success by whether a former Alpha House resident has remained crime free for five years or longer. The overall national success rate for the prison system, measured by that same standard, is only 25%!
We trust you'll enjoy summer 2018 to its fullest. While you do though, take time to pray for us and help in any way possible to lighten the summer slump so we keep the lights on, the insurance paid (that had a definite impact on our income so far), and seeing men's lives transformed.
Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2018
A Mother's Request for Her Son in Jail
The following was submitted to us on our web site:
I am the mother of an inmate. My son James just turned 17. He got involved with the wrong crowd, was shot last year by some boys bullying him, and almost lost his life. In December, he was approached by the boys and one thing led to another, and he is now in jail awaiting trial and being charged with murder.
Can you please send your newsletters to him as I feel it would be a blessing? He has now accepted Christ and is trying his best to live right in a not so good environment.
I read some of the things you guys are doing and it's amazing as these young people need hope. The devil is sure out to try to destroy them. God bless.
EDITOR'S NOTES: Since James has been added to our mailing list and should be able to read this, I would like to offer my own encouragement. First, God doesn't use your past to determine your future. Second, if the devil tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his future.
The words “trying his best” stood out to me. When we accept Christ, God wants us free from all that striving. It's not that he doesn't want us to put in the effort, he does, but rest in God's ability to do it in you and not your own ability to perform well enough. I like how The Message Bible words verses 7-8 of Ephesians 2:
Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish!
Grab hold of that and never let the devil guilt trip you. God's love is total and complete and lavish. He redeems our lives from the pit no matter how deep the pit is (Psalm 103).
Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2018
Future Resident Very Grateful for Alpha House
This is just a quick letter to let you know I received your letter extending my acceptance date to September 3, 2019. I am very grateful for you and your organization to be able to do that for me. I was devastated when I learned that I had received a “flop” or continuance of my sentence.
I have to hold on to the Lord because he is the only one who has not deserted me in my time of need. I can't thank you enough for extending my invitation to be involved in your transitional housing program. I know it's a true blessing for me and I will always be thankful to you and your organization. Thank you again.
Taken from the Summer Newsletter, July 2018
Prisoners Have Mothers Too
One of the prevailing themes when we receive prisoner letters and prayer requests is inmate concerns for family, and particularly, mothers. It's not just during Mother's Day but year round. But Mother's Day is a good time to remember those who don't get to celebrate it the same way we do.
In a few days, most of us will be gathered with family to celebrate the unique and increasingly challenging role of motherhood. It's the toughest job in the world and deserves to be celebrated.
For the forgotten people in our society, it is a painful time. There are mothers who bore children who are now inmates. There are mothers who are inmates themselves. And there are all too many inmates whose mothers were anything but the model mothers we celebrate.
An overwhelming majority of inmates come from broken homes. In many cases the mother does everything within her power to beat the odds without the father role being properly carried out, but regardless of the exact situation, inmates request various types of prayer for their mothers if they are still alive.
It may be to help their grieving mother get through the holiday as the person they gave birth to and raised is now incarcerated. It may be for a mother who failed miserably to find the redemption their inmate “child” has now received through Jesus Christ.
Regardless of the circumstances, Mother's Day for inmates, mothers of inmates, children of inmates, and many others affected by prison sentences is not the same as the rest of us are used to celebrating. Prayer for them will help heal our broken society in a way that is desperately needed.
Enjoy Mother's Day to the fullest and remember those who find it tougher to celebrate.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2018
Donations Are More Than Just Money
We've mentioned before that donations to Alpha do not always need to be financial or money. There are numerous ways to donate which benefit the ministry and are fully tax deductible. Following is a list of items APM can use but it is not an exhaustive list. We'll issue a receipt for all donations based on a generous fair market value.
Alpha House General Needs
- Commercial Carpet Cleaner (such as a Rug Doctor type)
- Carpeting
- Closet doors with tracks
- Closet organizers (coated wire type with shelves and rods)
- Bathroom sets (shower curtains, floor mats, etc.)
- Paint and painting supplies
- Commercial grade basement paint for walls and floors
- Mini blinds
- Laundry baskets
- Plastic top fold down tables
- Twin bed sheet sets, comforters, and pillows
- Newer washers and gas dryers
- Gas stoves and vent hoods
- 30" wide refrigerators
- Microwave ovens
- Good condition couches and love seats
- Recliners
- TV stands for flat screen TV's
- Dresser sets, night stands, and mirrors (all types)
- Twin bed frames (please call on any mattresses or bedding)
- Generally donated running vehicles
- Property maintenance truck and snow plow
- Late model minivan
- Truck and utility trailer for donation pickups
- 10x20 storage and maintenance shed
- Maintenance tools (pretty much all tools and toolboxes)
- Power tools (drills, saws, shop tools, etc.)
- Ladders (step ladders and 40' extension ladder for access to roof)
As you can easily see, something you no longer need or would otherwise sell for a fraction of its value could easily make a huge difference to advance the Kingdom of God through the ministry of APM. If you have something not on this list, just call, and thank you for your generous support.
Taken from the Spring/Summer Newsletter, May 2018
Excerpts From (Inmate) Doug's Letter
My Christian walk did not really begin until I came to prison. Eight years ago, I was trapped in the town of Me-ville; that is, I was living for my own selfish pleasures—whatever I wanted in the moment. These pleasures caused me to commit a crime which tore apart my family and sent me to prison.
I did not really have Christ formed in me while I was going to church with my family, singing songs I did not believe in to a God I did not worship, because I was too busy worshiping myself. My new life began in a holding cell in the Lapeer County Jail.
With no job, no home, no family, no friends, I had lost everything in my world. There, broken, I finally gave my life to Christ and was born again. It has been a long, pain-filled process of learning about this new life in Christ.
In Jesus' mercy, I became accepted, and this would not have happened if the Lord had not sent a pastor to visit the jail, and to bring Bibles and studies to give out. This was the first time in my life that I had taken the word of God seriously.
In Central Michigan Facility, I came to the Alpha Ministries group and have now been a discipler with Alpha for at least a year. I've had the pleasure of watching 3 students also become disciples, with a current student still working on the materials. God has grown our group from 11 to over 35 in that time.
My two favorite books in the Bible are Psalms, because they really lay out the human experience, and Matthew, for his no nonsense approach to who Christ is and the essential doctrine for how we are to conduct ourselves in Christ Jesus. My favorite authors are Matthew, Luke, and John, who have much to say about the all important ministry of Christ.
A favorite verse would be: “So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt 10:26-28, ESV)
I believe in the work that you are doing. Alpha House and your prison ministry are very important, and have a great impact for the men in these prisons. It has had a great impact on me—both as a disciple, and a discipler for Alpha Ministries. Never quit.
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, April 2018
Close to Full Capacity
God has been blessing our Alpha one-on-one discipleship group. A year ago our average attendance was 12 men. This year our attendance is 35 men weekly. A year ago we had 2-3 disciplers. This year we have 14 men working one on one helping other men grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Praise God. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” Eph. 3:20. We also continue to praise God for Elroy and his dedication to come week after week to give us encouragement.
I personally stand in awe at how many men, once finished with the one-on-one book, seek to stay in the class to disciple other men. At one point, we had more disciplers than new disciples. Yet God in his infinite wisdom and grace has brought an influx of new members seeking a closer relationship with Christ. This has put every discipler with at least one disciple.
We ask you and the Alpha family to pray for a solution for space. We are coming close to full capacity in our present room. We do not want to have the chaplain feel he must limit the size of the class. Secondly, pray for someone who could come alongside of Elroy to help with outside leadership. I sense at times Elroy feels guilty if he has to miss a week or two and leave us without outside leadership.
On a personal note, God continues to use my gifts and talents to reach out to men here. I have been given a leadership role with three other men to lead and guide the Protestant service each Sunday morning. This has given me the ability to preach on a monthly basis with short meditations and full sermons if the outside leader does not attend. Praise God.
God has been blessing the vision of forming a Next Step ministry reaching out to the numerous Christian inmates being released each week. We now have a couple churches and pastors excited about helping this vision become a reality. Hopefully in the near future you will receive a letter of introduction to Next Step ministry and the hope we have. Alpha will receive the first letters along other ministries working inside prison. We will be seeking your input, suggestions, and questions.
Personal prayer concerns:
- Pray for my health, that I stay strong and that my MS doesn't progress
- Pray for the Lord's leading of me into his will, both here and when I am released
- Pray for God's will concerning my appeal; my hearts desire is an October 2019 release
- Pray for Next Step ministry and the steering committee as we look to God to help us reach out to parolees and help them find a church family, mentors, and spiritual support system
- Pray for those working inside the Department of Corrections with the love of Jesus Christ as they are being used here and in their home churches
- Pray for this facility, Central Michigan Correctional Facility, as we are having a warden change; pray that whoever it may be may be someone who loves the Lord
Once again, thank you for all you are doing for us. We pray weekly for you.
God bless,
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, April 2018
Get In On Even Greater Things
As you can see from the inmate letters published this month, God is doing great things in prisons and through APM. Men's lives are being radically transformed. Your partnership with us is making a huge impact.
We're opening an opportunity for you to have even more of an impact. We receive a lot of inmate prayer requests and letters. Our monthly newsletters are insufficient for really sharing them adequately. Now your regular prayer time can reap benefits far beyond what you will ever see this side of heaven, but you will be able to see some of it.
We're building a team of prayer warriors. Even if you don't consider yourself a prayer warrior, you are. The movie War Room does an excellent job of illustrating just how much difference your prayers can make. I love the part where the lead character declares, “Devil, you just got your butt kicked!”
We encourage you to sign up here on our web site or email info@alphapm.org to be part of this team. Approximately twice a month we'll email you a list of prayer requests and we're sure you'll find at least a few that you can add to your prayer time. We'll also keep you updated with answers to prayers so we can all be encouraged together. The way God answers prayer is nothing less than amazing and we look forward to sharing those stories too.
Several months ago we received a recognition that has not yet been shared with you. Many of our newsletters were reviewed by an organization that helps ministries be more effective. This organization asked to use our newsletters as a model to teach other ministries. As great of a compliment as that is, this newsletter pales in comparison to what you will receive when you join our team of prayer warriors.
Taken from the Spring Newsletter, April 2018
Strange Success
In November, Leon received a four page letter from a former Alpha House resident who is now an inmate again. I can't do the letter any justice trying to excerpt it so I decided a summary is the best approach since it represents an APM strange success.
We sometimes tout that our success rate is almost 90% which is measured by whether or not a former inmate returns to prison within 5 years. This case is outside of that measurement yet it is still a success by God's higher standard.
Writing from prison, Elmer, who goes by the nickname Duke, felt compelled to express his gratitude for the many heart to heart discussions he had with Leon during his residency, and to actively pray for Leon, the ministry, the Board, volunteers, residents, and other inmates along with their families.
Duke was forever impacted by APM, and though he messed up, that impact did not go to waste, it made even more difference. He is grateful to God for us and even grateful for prison itself since both were catalysts for him to finally submit fully to the Lord.
He came to realize that his main problem could be found in Jesus' parable of the sower and that his heart was choked by thorns and that lead to his downfall. Now through true repentance and full surrender, God's word is no longer being choked.
A striking feature of Duke's letter was that he asked “Why did it take me so long” repeatedly in different ways. This is a man who is “seeing the lightrdquo; now and marvels at how he stumbled in the dark for so long—and the price he now has to pay for it.
That seed of God's word may have fallen among the thorns but God was able to clear the ground so it can now grow heartily. Duke is using his experience in mercy to win other inmates to the Lord. He is seeing that previously choked out word now bearing fruit and lighting up his path for a new destiny.
Duke was well known to us on the Board because during his residency he was especially gifted at acquisitions. He seemed to have a knack for locating tangibles like furniture, appliances, and other various items, and get them donated to the ministry.
It was saddening to us that with all of his gifts, advocacy, potential, and progress, to hear that he was going back to prison. When you face disappointments, just know God isn't done yet. Also know that your support helped make Duke's strange success possible.
Taken from the Winter Newsletter, February 2018
Hand Crafted Thank You Card

Above is a special Thank You card we received from inmates in one of our Bible studies. The cover is hand drawn with inmate gratitude expressed and signed inside, and presented to Alpha on nice card stock.
Taken from the Winter Newsletter, February 2018
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